Tuesday, March 26, 2013

markterrance.com part 3.


So much has happened within one year. Mark Terrance Photography was an idea, a name, a vision. A year later, I am in a studio, I have awesome clients, and thus a third revision of my website. 

I am finally blogging. I am in a place where my reflection and growth is ready to be shared with the world. This blog will be a lot of things and I am going to figure all that out in the next coming weeks. I will post more pictures than prose. Ill try to be light on that still. What was that about a picture being a thousand words? yeah... 

Few things.

1. Check out the website. Send me a message on the contacts page and let me know what you think. 

2. The Moment - This is an idea inspired by a friend and fellow artist Samuel A. Love. I never forgot this, I just needed the right moment to bring this idea to the world. This page will show some of life how I experienced it in the moment. I cant wait. I am working on this page and it will be up soon. 

3. Video - More coming soon. Its a longer process but its going to be epic. 

Until next time (i feel like blogging)... 

Mark Terrance